Thursday, January 7, 2010

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

One of my really great friends is a super example to me, and he has been for a long time. Sometimes because we can be so different, I sometimes don't realize how much I learn from him and how there are many things about him that I want to to incorporate into my life.

Some examples:

1. He works to live, whereas I often live to work. Some day I want my job to simply be there to pay my bills, but not something that my whole life revolves around. I think about if I just worked 40 hours a week doing something that payed decent and I somewhat enjoy, I would have so much more opportunity to do the things I really want, like spend time with friends, date, and make a difference in the world.

2. He travels. He is an adventurer which I aspire to be. Right now my idea of a vacation is driving up to Park City alone just to catch my breath for a night. I want to be able to take a month a see many parts of a while new continent, or find long lost friends to enjoy their company.

3. He is not worried about what other people think of his life choices. One of my favorite jobs I ever had was working at Cold Stone. I made much more money than I do now and I had so much fun. For whatever reason I am embarrassed by that. Maybe someday I will own a little ice cream shop and do some counseling on the side and now worry about how crazy that sounds.

This year I want ask a little less of what I think the world needs, and focus more on coming alive.


A Gay Mormon Boy said...

I've got to say that quote dragged me in. I'm stealing it to use it someday.

Great goals and aspirations. May the new year turn out as you hope.

Jenn said...

YOU!!! Make me smile!!! I love you for that, thank you for bringing that into my life.

BB said...

I have to agree with GMB, That is a great quote. But as far as working to live vs. living to work I read something today that kind of addresses it and I think you might enjoy. If you look at your Netflix Queue the bottom of the queue is the person you want to be -Eraserhead the 8-hour BBC Bleak House, The complete Werner Herzog - while the top of your queue is the person who you actually are: Wedding Crashers, Scary Movie 4, the Bridges of Madison County"

If you want to make a change, make it a drastic one that gets you far away from your rut. Turn your life (and your queue) upside-down and turn your life inside out and face the world. You can do it Chris!

Anonymous said...

the first two are true but I'm not sure about the last one? thanks though for putting up with me...

Alisha Chase said...

Yahoo totally live it up!