So, I have talked a bit to Cadence about the idea of writing church leadership to express my thoughts. Has anyone ever done this? Here is a draft of the letter I am thinking about writing... What do you think? It is a rough draft written late at night, so please forgive any typos...
Dear President Monson,
I know that I am supposed to work with through local leaders but sadly they have sent me from Bishop to Bishop when I disclose that I am gay and want to come back. It as though I have a deadly disease and they are terrified that I might spread it though out the ward so they pawn me off to the next, or show no interest in me building a relationship with my God, but simply want to refer me to LDS Family services where I might be fixed.
When you were called and sustained to lead the Church of Jesus Christ, my institute teacher, helping us to understand God’s will shared many stories of how you of all of Christ’s disciples truly administer one by one. It is because of this that I petition you for help and guidance. I ask not only for myself, but also for the thousands of others around the world in similar shoes.
My brothers and sisters around and including me, that are at what seems to be their very nature, are attracted to people of the same gender, are struggling with strict what not to dos, but very little what to dos. We are told to strictly obey the law of chastity, to live the gospel, not to get married unless we can feel an honest attraction to that member of the opposite sex, and to serve, but that is hard is the church is build around families.
What am I to do to feel worthwhile in the church when almost every talk I hear refers to being a good father or finding my eternal companion? Where do I fit in? How do I cope with the feelings of wanting to love someone and knowing that will never happen because the body I am in only will love a man?
I am left to know I will never be married, I will not be able to serve a senior mission, I will not be able to be a temple worker past the age of thirty, I will not be able to teach seminary or institute as a single man. I will always be looked at by church members as the weird guy who is single and will not date for unknown reasons. I do know that God restored His Church to be hospital to those who are sick and I am very spiritually ill when I ponder my path. While trying to live the Gospel and be active I am feel almost constant thoughts of ending my life because I cannot be what my leaders want me to be.
I know the Lord loves all of His Children and He has a plan for us, so Please President Monson, help us to know what that is, and how we are to survive.
With Gratitude and Love,
Part of me wants to say through some miracle he might actually see this letter.
The other more practical part says that First Presidency secretaries are returning nearly every piece of mail that has not been countersigned by a stake president to local leaders.
Perhaps a more effective way to make sure he sees it would be to send it to the Salt Lake Tribune or someone who would actually publish it. Include a sentence like El Genio mentioned, about knowing that he would probably never see it if you were to send it to him directly.
By the way, great letter.
I like FD's idea. Go with that!! BTW: is the Straw Ibis still open in Logan?
A lovely letter. If sent to church HQ it will never leave the mail room to get up to the penthouse of the president of the church. That is just how it works. I would agree it has a better chance of being seen at least by Church PR if published in a high profile paper or something.
Thanks everyone, good ideas...I was afraid that might be the case. I may send it to him anyway and if no word then take another route...Then I will have to ask you all how I would send something like this to get published.
Chris, What a beautiful letter. I am so very proud of you and all that you are doing to take the steps to be the person you are supposed to be.
I have to say, that I have faith that if you send this letter it will be seen.Please do not belittle the words that you have so beautifully written by sending them to someone other then the person they were written for.
Go through whatever routes the Church has set up to get mail into the First Presidency but don't give up on it, your words will get through.
I totally agree... With everyone else! Your words are amazing, and should be heard. If it can be sent directly to Pres Monson, then amazing. IF not, do what it takes to have it be seen, because like you said, this is not only for you but for others in your shoes!! Good Luck in your pursuit. Have Faith, Stay strong and know that you are loved!
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